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Byng Public Schools

Federal Programs

American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Act (ARP ESSER)


Byng Public Schools has received funds through the American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Act (ARP ESSER).  The purpose of these funds is to effectively prevent, prepare for, and respond to the effects of COVID-19. 

Two required components of the American Rescue Plan -Elementary and Secondary Relief Fund are the following:


Safe Return Plan

ARP ESSER III Spending Plan


Byng Public Schools will continue to communicate plans on the district website.

The plans will also be evaluated at least once every six months.

Federal funds from Byng Public Schools allow us to implement research-based initiatives that supplement and enhance our School’s outstanding educational programs.  Title I is the Federal program that provides funding to school districts to improve the academic achievement of disadvantaged students and is part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act first passed in 1965.  The Act is reauthorized by Congress and often given a new name.  In 2002 it was reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act.  Most recently, it was reauthorized in 2015 as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Sites qualify for Title I funding based on their free or reduced lunch percentage.  All Byng Schools are designated as schoolwide sites, which can use Title I, Part A funds to supplement services, programs, and activities that impact the entire school population.  The programs must use effective methods and instructional strategies grounded in scientifically-based research.  Each school’s yearly schoolwide plan determines services.  


Title I District Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Byng Schools – McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act



The federal definition of homelessness used by all public schools in the United States includes children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This definition specifically includes children and youth living in shelters, transitional housing, cars, campgrounds, motels, and temporarily sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reasons. This is the same definition of homelessness used by Head Start, special education, child nutrition, and other federal family and youth programs.

At Byng,  students are primarily identified at enrollment, or through the School Counselor/Homeless Liaison, and coordinated activities with other entities and agencies. 

  • Homeless students enrolled in Byng Schools have a full and equal opportunity to succeed in school. 
  • Homeless children and youth, their families, and unaccompanied youth receive educational services for which they are eligible, including Head Start, and/or preschool programs administered by Byng Schools, and referrals to health, mental health, dental, and other appropriate services. 
  • Parents or guardians of homeless children and youth, and unaccompanied youth are informed of educational and related opportunities available to their children and are provided with meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.
  • Parents or guardians of a homeless child or youth and unaccompanied youth are fully informed of all transportation services, including transportation to and from the school of origin, and are assisted in accessing transportation services to their selected school.
  • Enrollment disputes are mediated in accordance with the requirements of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
  • Public notice of the educational rights of homeless students is disseminated in all schools and other places around the community.
  • With the assistance of Byng Schools personnel, procedures are implemented to ensure homeless children and youth receive appropriate credit for full or partial coursework satisfactorily completed while attending a prior school.
  • Byng School counselors will assist and advise homeless children and youth to improve college preparation and readiness.
  • Byng Schools will inform unaccompanied homeless youth regarding their independent status on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Byng Public Schools is required to identify a person to act as a Homeless Liaison.  This person's duties involve training school staff in identification procedures, serving as an advocate for homeless students, arranging for services, and arbitrating disputes that may arise.


Byng’s Homeless Liaison is Shawna Brecheen, Byng Schools Social Worker, she may be reached at 580-310-6771.



Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse





To report fraud, waste, abuse, misuse, or mismanagement of U.S. Department of Education (ED) program funds (this could include complaints concerning employees, fund recipients, educational institutions, contractors, collection agencies, or lending institutions), please use the online Hotline Complaint Form. OIG Hotline

If you prefer, you may contact the Inspector General's Hotline by:

  • Calling the OIG Hotline's toll-free number 1-800-MIS-USED. Hotline Operators take calls Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 AM until 11:00 AM, Eastern Time; Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM, Eastern Time except for holidays.
  • Downloading a hard copy of the Hotline Complaint Form, and completing, mailing, or faxing it to:


Inspector General's Hotline 
Office of Inspector General
U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.

Washington, D.C. 20202-1500

Fax: (202) 245-7047


Your report may be made anonymously or in confidence. No classified information should be submitted to the Hotline. If your complaint involves classified information, please submit your contact information to the Hotline (via phone or complaint form) and request that you be contacted to make separate arrangements so we can receive your complaint.










The district receives federal funds and has established a complaint process to help ensure compliance with federal grant requirements. Any student, parent, community member, or employee who believes the district has violated any regulation connected with the expenditure of federal funds should notify the district using the process outlined in the Board of Education Policy, which governs complaints.