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Byng Public Schools

Meal Charge Policy

Byng Public Schools
Local Meal Charge Policy



Students at Byng Public Schools are permitted to charge up to $25. Students who charge a meal will
receive the same choices for meals they would get if they had money in their account.  Once the
allowable charge limit has been reached, an alternate meal will be offered.  The meal will consist of a
meat, cheese, or peanut butter sandwich and milk for lunch, and a breakfast bread item and milk for

No charges will be allowed from May 1st until the end of school.  Students must have money in their
account or pay cash in the line to receive a plate lunch after May 1st.

No a la carte items may be charged.


Meal assistance is available through the Federal Free and Reduced Priced Meal Application. Those
forms are available to parents through our website at,  at your child’s school
office, or the activity office located in the Bertha Frank Teague gym lobby at Byng Junior High. You may
contact Tammy Freeman if you have any questions at 580-310-6704.


Elementary Schools: Account information will be sent home in students’ folders.

Negative balance notification procedures: Individual schools will use school messenger notification
system to send phone calls to parents when a balance is negative.

Secondary: Parents will be notified by phone when there is an outstanding balance.

A copy of this policy will be given to each parent at enrollment and posted on our website. All school
personnel will also be notified of this policy.