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Byng Public Schools



Byng Public Schools

The School of Choice


Junior High Cheer

We’re excited to announce that Pre-K pre-enrollment will take place on March 27th!!  Give your child a strong start in a fun, nurturing learning environment!    Spots fill up fast – don’t miss this opportunity! 

25 Pre-K Enrollment

We found out that two of our students received the honor of being named Academic All-State. This is a huge honor, as only 100 seniors statewide are chosen. We are extremely proud of them!

Paige Kreis

Paige Kreis – Academic All-State

Ganesh Gandhi

Ganesh Gandhi – Academic All-State



For the 25-26 school year, Byng Schools will be using ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number.


As some staff are doing preliminary testing using Parent Square this Spring, we encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.


Parents and Guardians Getting Started Guide


Parent Square


We promise to only send you information related to school. You can opt-out at any time.

See this document for more information about opting-out from our communications. 

Upcoming Events

Accessibility View of Full-Page Calendar

Officer Britt

We appreciate Officer Britt and all he does for our school!

Resource Officer

Winter Senior Night

Cheer Clinic 1

January 2025

Cheer Clinic 2

snow day 1

Snow Day

Snow Day

Snow Day 4

Snow Day

The students and their parents had fun playing in the snow!  


Pom State Champions

**History Made at OSDTDA State Competition!**

The Byng High School Pom Team made an incredible debut at the OSDTDA State Competition, taking their Game Day routine to the big stage for the first time in school history.  In their second year as a team, these talented athletes brought home the 3A State Championship title for Game Day Routine.

This remarkable achievement marks the team’s first-ever state title and showcases their hard work, dedication, and school spirit.  These girls and their coach work hard daily, and we couldn’t be more proud!  Congratulations to the Byng Pom team for making history!


Some of our Pontotoc Technology Students had GREAT success at “The Hot Rodders of Tomorrow” National Championship in Indianapolis and placed 7th in the Nation, all receiving a $7,000 scholarship!  Great job, Garrett Anderson, Naaman Lee, and Ryan Shelton!   We are proud of your hard work!


Swim Team

The Byng HS Swim Team competed in their first swim meet of the season on Tuesday, December 10.  The meet took place at the Shawnee YMCA and was attended by Ada, Byng, Casady, Heritage Hall, and Shawnee.   Jackson Collins, Cameron Goodwin, Lucas LeFlore, Jackson Turlington, Lili Saunkeah, and Caris Tilley represented Byng HS.  Byng was up against schools with 20+ members on their teams.  Our Byng Swim coaches are Nicholas Lane and Meg Kemmet.  

Byng boys came in 2nd place overall with a score of 193, beating Heritage Hall, Shawnee, and Ada.

Madill Champs


About Us

We are driven by our unwavering commitment to excellence, equity, and the holistic development of our students.

Together, we forge a path of educational success, inspiring a love for learning and empowering our students

to shape a bright and promising future for themselves and our community.

OJABA Academic Bowl
Academic Excellence

We are dedicated to providing a rigorous and comprehensive educational experience that challenges and nurtures the intellect of every student.

Innovation & Future Readiness

We embrace innovation as a catalyst for educational excellence and future readiness.


Student Opportunities

We are committed to providing a wide variety of opportunities for all students, enabling them to pursue their interests and build essential skills for future success.



PowerSchool Parent Portal Information

If you are a parent that has not yet created your parent account, click here for step-by-step instructions

*** Part of the Student Enrollment Process Now Requires a Parent Portal Account ***


Download the PowerSchool Mobile App for Android

Download the PowerSchool Mobile App for Apple

Once you have downloaded the app to your phone, search for the district using as the site.


  Yearbook            Yearbook

Check out the Yearbook Archives Page

Most yearbooks from 1950 – 2020 are posted


My School Bucks

Dear Parent, 

You can now use the same login to access your student’s information in PowerSchool and make payments in MySchoolBucks. Please complete this one-time process to get started: 

1. Log in to your PowerSchool account here: PowerSchool
2. On the left navigation menu, select MySchoolBucks
3. You will be directed to MySchoolBucks to complete the registration process.

If you are an existing MySchoolBucks user you have the option of keeping your existing login or linking it to your PowerSchool account. 

Questions? Please contact


BrightArrow – System for School Messaging (robocalls)


The BrightArrow system allows school personnel to send parents text messages. Once a phone number is opted-in, all text messages will come from the Short Code 79041. The initial message asking you to opt-in will be coming from a phone number in the format with 424-###-####, so please be aware that those text messages are coming from your school. The school may announce with an email when they are sending the opt-in message. Simply reply YES to the message asking you to opt-in and your phone number will receive future text messages. You may also at any time opt-in to text messages from your school by sending YES to the short code 79041. You must have your phone number on file with the school to receive text messages, this is an opt-in mechanism, not a subscribe mechanism. Once you opt-in, BrightArrow will send you a confirmation that your phone number is opted-in. Sometimes a message will arrive in all three forms (email, text, voice). To edit which contacts receive messages, use the Forms tab on the Parent portal and under Form F, use the “Enable Robocalls” checkbox. Or, call the school office and they can assist.